
A physical person or legal entity who is real estate owner or has a business in the area can be accepted as a regular member of Värtan Energi.

A physical person or legal entity who wants to support Värtan Energi can be accepted as a supporting member. A supporting member does not have to be active in the work area of ​​Värtan Energi.

Yearly membership fee for regular member, per category:

Tenant-owners’ association
Rental housing company/commercial real estate owner                                  Legal entity without real estate                                                                      Owner of detached house


    800 SEK                                                                                                                   1 000 SEK                                                                                                                      300 SEK                                                                                                                      250 SEK

Yearly membership fee for supporting member medlem, per category:

Legal entity                                                                                                  Physical person


  300 SEK                                                                                                                  150 SEK