Highway canopy with

photovoltaic solar panels

Norra Länken, Stockholm, Sweden.

Surface area: 8 500 m2
Panel colour: green
Power: 1,5 MW
Energy output/year: 1 200 MWh
Satellite image showing the approximate positioning of solar panel installation.

The solar panel installation over the highway ramp build in 2005 will be owned and maintained by Värtan Energi. The generated emission-free electricity is to be used by local households and business. In addition, the installation will provide noise protection from vehicles and improve aesthetics in the area.

The noise emissions from the circular road construction have brought discomfort to neighbouring condominium associations. The road administration authority has carried out partial sound protection measures in flats by fitting an extra interior glass sheet in some flats. Results have been mixed. Flats just somewhat further away from the nearest buildings did not receive any noise reduction measures. Summertime, nighttime noise from the tunnel opening and road ramp is considerable when motorcycles and cars accelerate in and out of the tunnel.

Green photovoltaic panel 360 W/panel